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Vince Smith
Classification based on Eichler, 1963 except for the Trichodectidae, see Lyal, 1985.
Containing group: Phthiraptera


Eichler, W. D. (1963). Phthiraptera 1. Mallophaga. Leipzig, Verlagsgesellschaft Geost & Portig K.G.

Fowler, J. A. and R. A. Price (1987). "A comparitive study of the Ischnoceran Mallophaga of Wilson's Petrel Oceanites oceanicus and British Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus." Seabird 10: 43-49.

Lyal, C. H. C. (1985). "A cladistic analysis and classification of trichodectidmammal lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera)." Bulletin of the British Museum(Natural History) 51(3): 187-346.

Lyal, C. H. C. (1987). "Co-evolution of trichodectid lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) and their mammalian hosts." Journal of Natural History21: 1-28.

Palma, R. L. and R. L. C. Pilgrim (1984). "A revision of the genus Harrisoniella(Mallophaga: Philopteridae)." New Zealand Journal of Zoology 11: 145-166.

Palma, R. L. and R. L. C. Pilgrim (1987). "A revision of the genus Perineus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae)." New Zealand Journal of Zoology 14: 563-586.

Title Illustrations
Scientific Name Strigiphilus virgo
Comments An owl parasite
Reference Clayton, D. H. and R. D. Price 1984. Taxonomy of the Strigiphilus cursitans group (Ischnocera: Philopteridae), parasites of owls (Strigiformes). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 77: 340-363.
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Copyright © 1984 Entomological Society of America
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Illinois Natural History Surveybr
University of Illinois
607 East Peabody Drive
Champaign, Illinois, 61820

Citing this page:

Smith, Vince. 1997. Ischnocera. Version 07 March 1997 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Ischnocera/13873/1997.03.07 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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