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Scientific Name Synodontis acanthoperca
Location Gabon, Haut-Ogôoué Province, Ogôoué River at and below the Rapids of Massoukou (Masuku), 1°39’30”S 13°32’14”E
Reference Friel, J.P. & Vigliotta, T.R. (2006) Synodontis acanthoperca, a new species from the Ogôoué River system, Gabon with comments on spiny ornamentation and sexual dimorphism in mochokid catfishes (Siluriformes: Mochokidae). Zootaxa, 1125, 45-56.
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Identified By J.P. Friel and T.R. Vigliotta
Sex Male
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Body Part Whole
View Left Lateral
Size 44.1 mm SL
Collection Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates
Type Holotype
Collector M.E. Arnegard, A. Chow, S. Lavoué, J.F. Liwouwou and J.P. Sullivan
Image Use creative commons This media file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License - Version 3.0.
Copyright © 2007
Creation Date August 15, 1999
Attached to Group Mochokidae: view page image collection
Title synodontisacanthoperca-1reducedcopy.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
Voucher Number CU 89005
ID 25378
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