Cephalops (Cephalops)
Jeff Skevington- Cephalops abditus
- Cephalops adamanteus
- Cephalops aeneus
- Cephalops albivillosus
- Cephalops amapaensis
- Cephalops amembranosus
- Cephalops argenteus
- Cephalops bequaerti
- Cephalops boharti
- Cephalops brasiliensis
- Cephalops burmensis
- Cephalops caeruleimontanus
- Cephalops calcaratus
- Cephalops callistus
- Cephalops calvus
- Cephalops candidulus
- Cephalops cochleatus
- Cephalops congoensis
- Cephalops conjunctivus
- Cephalops deminitens
- Cephalops eximius
- Cephalops flaviventris
- Cephalops furnaceus
- Cephalops grootaerti
- Cephalops huashanensis
- Cephalops inflatus
- Cephalops innitidus
- Cephalops javensis
- Cephalops kalimus
- Cephalops kunashiricus
- Cephalops kurilensis
- Cephalops laeviventris
- Cephalops limatus
- Cephalops longipennis
- Cephalops longistylis
- Cephalops lubuti
- Cephalops lusingensis
- Cephalops maculiventris
- Cephalops multidenticulatus
- Cephalops mundulus
- Cephalops nagatomii
- Cephalops nigricoxa
- Cephalops nigrifrons
- Cephalops nitidellus
- Cephalops nitidus
- Cephalops obtusus
- Cephalops pacatus
- Cephalops pallidipleura
- Cephalops pallidivittipes
- Cephalops pedernalensis
- Cephalops pendleburyi
- Cephalops perpaucus
- Cephalops philippinensis
- Cephalops ponti
- Cephalops pulvillatus
- Cephalops quasilubuti
- Cephalops robustus
- Cephalops talyshensis
- Cephalops tibetanus
- Cephalops turkmenorum
- Cephalops validus
- Cephalops villifemoralis
- Cephalops villosiscutum
- Cephalops vinnulus
- Cephalops vittipes
- Cephalops zululandicus
Sixty-six valid species of Cephalops (Cephalops) are known from all biogeographical regions.
These flies are characterized by the presence of an anal vein and presence of strong median and apical tibial spines. The abdomen is relatively long and narrow on these flies compared to Parabeckerias and Semicephalops species.
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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Jeff Skevington at
Page copyright © 2005
Page: Tree of Life
Cephalops (Cephalops).
Authored by
Jeff Skevington.
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- First online 02 November 2005
Citing this page:
Skevington, Jeff. 2005. Cephalops (Cephalops). Version 02 November 2005 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Cephalops_%28Cephalops%29/54869/2005.11.02 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/