Stephen D. Cairns- Faviidae
- Montlivaltiidae
- Rhizangiidae
- Oculinidae
- Merulinidae
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- Pectinidae
- Anthemiphylliidae

Walls are septothecal or parathecal. Septa are laminar, rarely with perforations; septal margins are dentate. Coralla are solitary and colonial.
This page is still under construction and at this point merely serves as transportation to lower level taxa.
Wells, J. W. 1956. Scleractinia. Pp. F328-F444 In: Moore, R. C. (editor) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part F: Coelenterata. University of Kansas Press, Lawrence.
About This Page
Creation of this page was supported by US National Science Foundation grants DEB95-21819 and DEB 99-78106 (in the program PEET - Partnerships to Enhance Expertise in Taxonomy) to Daphne G. Fautin, grant DEB99-78086 (in the program PEET) to Stephen D. Cairns, and grant OCE 00-03970 (in NOPP, the National Oceanographic Partnership Program) to D.G.F. and Robert W. Buddemeier.Technical assistance was rendered by Adorian Ardelean.
Stephen D. Cairns
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Stephen D. Cairns at
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Authored by
Stephen D. Cairns.
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- First online 28 October 2002
Citing this page:
Cairns, Stephen D. 2002. Favioidea. Version 28 October 2002 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Favioidea/19078/2002.10.28 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/