Grimpoteuthis hippocrepium
Richard E. Young and Michael VecchioneIntroduction
G. hippocrepium was described from a single, small individual which was "sadly mutilated" by the time it was described. However, the color drawings were made on the freshly captured animal. Nevertheless, many features of this species are unknown and a redescription based on new material is badly needed.
- Arms and web
- Web attaches to ventral margin of arm to somewhat over half of the arm length; attachment to dorsal margin unknown due to damage.
- Single web nodule present at distal point of attachment of web to ventral arm margin. This occurs opposite about sucker number 25.
- Arm suckers number over 50 (distal 5-10 mm missing).
- First cirri begin between suckers 4 and 5.
Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new windowFigure. Portion of arm III showing web nodule on ventral margin of arm. Drawing from Hoyle, 1904.
- Shell
- "Horseshoe-shaped", smooth surface with no "characteristic markings or prominences."
- Measurements
- Total length - ca. 80 mm.
- End of body to mantle margin - 23 mm.
- Width of body - 20 mm.
- Width of head - 22 mm.
- Length of fin - 28 mm.
- Width of fin at origin - 13 mm.
- Diameter of largest sucker - 1.2 mm.
- Arm I: Right - 80,; Left - 90,.
- Arm II: Right - 75,; Left - 85,.
- Arm III: Right - 70,; Left - 85,.
- Arm IV: Right - 65,; Left - 75,.
The above description was taken from Hoyle (1904). Hoyle gave few characters of specific value in his original description. Voss and Pearcy (1990) state that the type is in poor condition and little can be learned from it. However they did not declare G. hippocrepium a nomen dubium.
Among Pacific species, G. hippocrepium differs from:
- G. abyssicola by, possibly, the sucker number at the web nodule (25 vs 33) and non-lobelike wings on the shell.
- G. bathynectes by no clear characters other than locality.
- G. innominata in having no median ridge on the outer surface of the shell saddle, a shell without shoulder blades or expanded wings.
- G. meangensis in having a shell without shoulder blades.
- G. pacifica by no clear characters other than locality.
- G. tuftsi in having no transverse groove on the external surface of the shell saddle and no shell shoulder blades.
The type locality is southwest of Malpelo Island, eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, at 02°35'N, 83°53'W.References
Hoyle, W. E. 1886. Report on the Cephalopoda Collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the Years 1873-76. Report of the Voyage of the Challenger, Zoology, 16 (44): 1-346, 33 pls.
O’Shea, Steve. 1999. The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Octopoda (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 112: 280pp.
About This Page
Richard E. Young
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
Michael Vecchione
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA
Page copyright © 2016 Richard E. Young and Michael Vecchione
Page: Tree of Life
Grimpoteuthis hippocrepium
Authored by
. Richard E. Young and Michael Vecchione.
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- First online 13 May 2003
Citing this page:
Young, Richard E. and Michael Vecchione. 2003. Grimpoteuthis hippocrepium in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 13 May 2003 (under construction).