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Ictalurus dugesii (Bean 1880)

Lerma Catfish

Larry Page
Containing group: Ictalurus


The Lerma Catfish has 11-13 short rakers on the 1st gill arch, and usually 9-10 pectoral fin rays and 20-27 anal rays. The length of the dorsal spine is shorter or equal to the fleshy interorbital distance. There are 5-14 large serrae on pectoral spine of juvenile. The supraoccipital spine is not in contact with the supraneural.


The Lerma Catfish occurs in the Rio Lerma and Rio Ameca drainages on the Pacific Slope of Mexico.

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Distribution of Ictalurus dugesii © Larry Page


The Lerma Catfish lives in clear to turbid, quiet pools over rock, sand or mud in creeks and small to medium-sized rivers and reservoirs. Often found near vegetation.

Similar Species

The Headwater Catfish, I. lupus, has 13-17 long rakers on the 1st gill arch. The Yaqui Catfish, I. pricei, has 16-24 rakers on the 1st gill arch and usually 11 pectoral fin rays. The Rio Verde Catfish, I. mexicanus, has the dorsal spine longer than the fleshy interorbital distance and 2-3 very small serrae on the pectoral spine of the juvenile. The Channel Catfish, I. punctatus, has 26-32 anal rays and the supraoccipital spine in contact with the supraneural.

Other Names for Ictalurus dugesii (Bean 1880)

About This Page

Larry Page
Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, Florida, USA

Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Larry Page at lpage@flmnh.ufl.edu and Griffin Sheehy at gsheehy@flmnh.ufl.edu

All Rights Reserved.

Citing this page:

Page, Larry. 2007. Ictalurus dugesii (Bean 1880). Lerma Catfish. Version 23 May 2007 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Ictalurus_dugesii/69932/2007.05.23 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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