Emilie Bess and Kevin P. JohnsonIntroduction
The family Protroctopsocidae contains four genera and 8 species. Chelyopsocus and Philedaphia are known from southern Europe, Protrocopsocus is known from Mexico, and Reticulopsocus from Turkey.
Lienhard, C. 2005. Description of a new beetle-like psocid (Insecta: Psocoptera: Protroctopsocidae) from Turkey showing an unusual sexual dimorphism. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 112: 333-349.
Lienhard, C. and C.N. Smithers. 2002. Psocoptera (Insecta) World Catalogue and Bibliography. Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneva, Switzerland.
Mockford, E.L. 1967. The Electrentomoid Psocids (Psocoptera). Psyche 74: 118-165.
Smithers, C.N. 1972. The classification and phylogeny of the Psocoptera. Memoirs of the Australian Museum 14: 1–349.
Yoshizawa, K. and K.P. Johnson. 2006. Morphology of male genitalia in lice and their relatives and phylogentic implications. Systematic Entomology 31: 350-361.
About This Page
Emilie Bess
Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois, USA
Kevin P. Johnson
Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Emilie Bess at
and Kevin P. Johnson at
Page copyright © 2009 Emilie Bess and Kevin P. Johnson
All Rights Reserved.
- First online 25 March 2009
- Content changed 25 March 2009
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Bess, Emilie and Kevin P. Johnson. 2009. Protroctopsocidae. Version 25 March 2009 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,