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Pseudhormathia bocki Carlgren 1943

Containing group: Condylanthidae


Condylanthidae with very wide pedal disc. Column divisible into scapus and scapulus, the former with tubercles. Fosse and margin distinct. Sphincter circumscribed. Tentacles not numerous, considerably fewer than the mesenteries, their longitudinal muscles ectodermal. Radial muscles of oral disc ectodermal. Actinopharynx with 2 well developed siphonoglyphs. 24 pairs of macrocnemes with circumscribed retractors. Parietobasilar muscles well developed, strong in the lower part of macrocnemes. Small, numerous, naked mesenteries in the lower part of the body. Cnidom: spirocysts, basitrichs, microbasic p-mastigophors.

Other Names for Pseudhormathia bocki Carlgren 1943


Carlgren, O. 1949. A Survey of the Ptychodactiaria, Corallimorpharia and Actiniaria. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakadamiens Handlingar, series 4, volume 1, number 1.

About This Page
The information provided on this page is based on Oscar Carlgren's 1949 catalog.
Copyright © 1949 Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Please note that Carlgren's text contains a number of errors, and much of the information is now out of date. An update of the catalog is currently under preparation in Daphne Fautin's laboratory, and the results of this work will be incorporated in future versions of this page.

Keyboarding of Carlgren's catalog was done as part of a project to create an electronic database of the sea anemones of the world, funded by NSF Grant DEB9521819, awarded to Daphne G. Fautin. This grant is in the program Partnerships to Enhance Expertise in Taxonomy (PEET). Susanne Hauswaldt, Katherine Pearson, and April Wakefield-Pagels contributed to the keyboarding effort.

Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Daphne G. Fautin at fautin@ku.edu

All Rights Reserved.

Citing this page:

Tree of Life Web Project. 2000. Pseudhormathia. Pseudhormathia bocki Carlgren 1943. Version 01 January 2000 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Pseudhormathia_bocki/18696/2000.01.01 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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