Figure. Drawing modified from Collins, in press.
Abreviations and definitions
- AL - Arm length (arm I). Measured from the beaks to the arm tip.
- ALI - Arm length index (Arm length as % of TL or ML)
- CL - Length of longest cirrus; also CiL or MCL (max. cirrus length)
- CLI - Cirrus length index (Max. cirrus length as % of HW)
- ED - Eye diameter
- EDI - Eye diameter index (Eye diameter as % of HW)
- FL - Fin length (see illustration).
- FLI - Fin length index (Fin length as % of HW)
- FS - Fin span (see illustration)
- FW - Fin width (see illustration)
- FSI - Fin span index (Fin span as % of TL)
- HW - Head width (see illustration); distance between outer edges of lenses.
- HWI - Head width index (Head width as % of TL or ML)
- ML - Mantle length (see illustration)
- MLI - Mantle length index (Mantle length as % of TL)
- SD - Sucker diameter. Measured across largest diameter, whether of the outer rim (infundibulum) or sucker body (acetabulum) of the largest sucker; also MSD (max. sucker diam.) or ASD (arm sucker diameter).
- SDI - Sucker diameter index (Max. sucker diam. as % of HW)
- SDn - Maximum diameter of largest normal sucker.
- SDe - Maximum diameter of largest enlarged sucker (sexually dimorphic enlarged suckers are far larger than the typical suckers on the arm).
- TL - Total length. (see illustration)