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Tree of Life Media Contributed By Andrej Gogala

ID Thumbnail Media Data
Scientific Name Sigara falleni
Location Slovenia
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © Andrej Gogala
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Corixidae: view page image collection
Title Sigara-falleni.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 7911
Scientific Name Sigara nigrolineata
Location Slovenia
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © Andrej Gogala
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Corixidae: view page image collection
Title Sigara-nigrolineata.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 7912
Scientific Name Notonecta maculata
Location Slovenia
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © Andrej Gogala
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Notonectidae: view page image collection
Title Notonecta-maculata.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 7916
Scientific Name Hydrometra stagnorum
Location Slovenia
Comments Water measurer
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © Andrej Gogala
Image Use ToL use only
Title Hydrometra-stagnorum.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 7918
Scientific Name Velia currens
Location Slovenia
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © Andrej Gogala
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Veliidae: view page image collection
Title Velia-currens.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 7919
Scientific Name Aquarius paludum
Location Slovenia
Comments Water strider
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © Andrej Gogala
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Gerridae: view page image collection
Title Aquarius-paludum.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 7920
Scientific Name Gerris lacustris
Location Slovenia
Comments Water strider
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © Andrej Gogala
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Gerridae: view page image collection
Title Gerris-lacustris.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 7921
Scientific Name Macrosaldula scotica
Location Slovenia
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © Andrej Gogala
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Saldidae: view page image collection
Title Macrosaldula-scotica.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 7923
Scientific Name Phymata crassipes
Location Slovenia
Comments Assassin bug
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © Andrej Gogala
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Reduviidae: view page image collection
Title Phymata-crassipes.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 7925
Scientific Name Corythucha ciliata
Location Slovenia
Comments Lace bugs under the bark of a Platanus tree in winter.
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Life Cycle Stage Adults
Copyright © Andrej Gogala
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Tingidae: view page image collection
Title Corythucha-ciliata.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 7950
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