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Tree of Life Media Contributed By Nathan P. Lord

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ID Thumbnail Media Data
Scientific Name Sphaerosoma corcyreum (Reitter)
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Identified By F.W. Shockley
Life Cycle Stage Adult
View Dorsal habitus
Copyright © Nathan P. Lord
Image Use ToL use only
Title sphaerosomacorcyreum1.jpg
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 29814
Scientific Name Sphaerosoma globosum (Sturm)
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Identified By F.W. Shockley
Life Cycle Stage Adult
View Dorsal habitus
Copyright © Nathan P. Lord
Image Use ToL use only
Title sphaerosomaglobosumjpg.jpg
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 29815
Scientific Name Sphaerosoma pilosum (Panzer)
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Identified By F.W. Shockley
Life Cycle Stage Adult
View Dorsal habitus
Copyright © Nathan P. Lord
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Sphaerosoma: view page image collection
Title sphaerosomapilosumjpeg.jpg
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 29816
Scientific Name Anommatus duodecimstriatus
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Identified By N.P. Lord
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © 2009 Nathan P. Lord
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Anommatus (Anommatinae): view page image collection
Title anommatusduodecimstriatus.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 40231
Scientific Name Xylariophilus bicoloripennis
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Identified By S.A. Ślipiński
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Type Paratype
Copyright © 2009 Nathan P. Lord
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Xylariophilus: view page image collection
Title xylariophilusbicoloripennisparatype.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 40232
Scientific Name Ascetoderes signatus
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Identified By S.A. Ślipiński
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © 2009 Nathan P. Lord
Image Use ToL use only
Title ascetoderessignatus.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 40233
Scientific Name Sosylus sp.
Location Bolivia
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Identified By N.P. Lord
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © 2009 Nathan P. Lord
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Sosylus (Bothriderinae): view page image collection
Title sosylusspbolivia.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 40234
Scientific Name Deretaphrus fossus
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Identified By N.P. Lord
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Type Lectotype
Copyright © 2009 Nathan P. Lord
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Deretaphrus (Bothriderinae): view page image collection
Title fossussama285nl.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
Voucher Number Collection SAMA
ID 40235
Scientific Name Dastarcus kurosawai
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Identified By S.A. Ślipiński
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © 2009 Nathan P. Lord
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Dastarcus (Bothriderinae): view page image collection
Title dastarcuskurosawai.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 40236
Scientific Name Lithophorus sp.
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Identified By N.P. Lord
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © 2009 Nathan P. Lord
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Bothrideridae: view page image collection
Title lithophorus2.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 40237
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