Manuscripts should be submitted electronically. Address manuscripts to one of the Editors. (We may do something about them; on the other hand, we may not: we are awfully busy these days. Remember Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you think, even if you take Hofstadter's Law into account.) Abstracts are not required, although they will be published if included. References should follow the form found in current issues of the journal. Illustrations can be submitted electronically; contact the Editors to arrange other methods of submission.
Reprints. Issues of Biologie Und Naturwissenschaft der Käfer are printed in a black-and-white style suitable for quality reproduction. Authors can thus obtain reprints for minimal cost at a local photocopying machine. Or from the author's personal printer. The number of reprints obtained can hence be exactly chosen by each author to match his or her specific needs.
Page Charges will be waived for all authors submitting manuscripts. All others shall be charged $10 per page.
This issue is not fully intended to constitute a publication in the sense of Article 9 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, and tnus any descriptions of new taxa contained herein may well be invalid (we sure hope so). Anyway, none of the descriptions are serious, anyhow (except in the sixth through tenth dimensions). And there it is.