
An international journal dedicated to
the advancement of knowledge
of beetles and their universe

Editorial Board

David R. Maddison
John H. Acorn
Robert S. Anderson


Biologie Und Naturwissenschaft der Käfer is a non-profit journal published irregularly, as supply of manuscripts and time of the editors permit. There have been two issues of B.U.N.K. published in recent times; electronic versions are found herein:


Volume 2, Number 1 (December 1984)
Volume 3, Number 1 (February 1986)

Published irregularly by the Incredibly Tremendous Society for Biologie Und Naturwissenschaft der Käfer (I.T.'S. B.U.N.K.), as supply of manuscripts and time of the editors permit. Manuscripts and editorial correspondence should be sent to one of the editors. Some advice for authors is given on the Advice to Authors page.

Copyright © 1984, 1996, David R. Maddison, John H. Acorn, and Robert S. Anderson.