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Life on Earth

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taxon links [up-->]Archaea [up-->]Viruses [up-->]Eukaryotes [up-->]Eubacteria Not MonophyleticPhylogenetic position of group is uncertain and group is not monophyleticPhylogenetic position of group is uncertain and group is not monophyletic Interpreting the tree
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This tree diagram shows the relationships between several groups of organisms.

The root of the current tree connects the organisms featured in this tree to their containing group and the rest of the Tree of Life. The basal branching point in the tree represents the ancestor of the other groups in the tree. This ancestor diversified over time into several descendent subgroups, which are represented as internal nodes and terminal taxa to the right.

example of a tree diagram

You can click on the root to travel down the Tree of Life all the way to the root of all Life, and you can click on the names of descendent subgroups to travel up the Tree of Life all the way to individual species.

For more information on ToL tree formatting, please see Interpreting the Tree or Classification. To learn more about phylogenetic trees, please visit our Phylogenetic Biology pages.

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The rooting of the Tree of Life, and the relationships of the major lineages, are controversial. The monophyly of Archaea is uncertain, and recent evidence for ancient lateral transfers of genes indicates that a highly complex model is needed to adequately represent the phylogenetic relationships among the major lineages of Life. We hope to provide a comprehensive discussion of these issues on this page soon. For the time being, please refer to the papers listed in the References section.

Discussion of Phylogenetic Relationships

Two alternative views on the relationship of the major lineages (omitting viruses) are shown below


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Gribaldo, S. and P. Cammarano. 1998. The root of the universal tree of life inferred from anciently duplicated genes encoding components of the protein-targeting machinery. Journal of Molecular Evolution 47:508-516.

Gupta, R. S. 1998. Protein phylogenies and signature sequences: A reappraisal of evolutionary relationships among archaebacteria, eubacteria, and eukaryotes. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 62:1435-1491.

Gupta, R. S. 1998. What are archaebacteria: Life's third domain or monoderm prokaryotes related to Gram-positive bacteria? A new proposal for the classification of prokaryotic organisms. Molecular Microbiology 29:695-707.

Gupta, R. S. and G. B. Golding. 1993. Evolution of HSP70 gene and its implications regarding relationships between archaebacteria, eubacteria, and eukaryotes. Journal of Molecular Evolution 37:573-582.

Hilario, E. and J. P. Gogarten. 1993. Horizontal transfer of ATPase genes: The tree of life becomes a net of life. Biosystems 31:111-119.

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Wolf, Y. I., L. Aravind, N. V. Grishin, and E. V. Koonin. 1999. Evolution of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases: analysis of unique domain architectures and phylogenetic trees reveals a complex history of horizontal gene transfer events. Genome Reserarch 9:689-710.

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Information on the Internet

Title Illustrations
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Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Scientific Name Fischerella
Copyright © 1995
Scientific Name Chrysina gloriosa
Location USA AZ Cochise Co.: Huachuca Mts, Miller Canyon 1810m. 31?24.7?N 110?16.8?W
Comments Riparian forest, collected at blacklight.
Source Chrysina gloriosa - Glorious Scarab
Copyright © Alex Wild
Scientific Name Sulfolobus and Sulfolobus tengchongensis spindle-shaped virus 1 (STSV1)
Location Yunnan Province, China
Comments Cell of the Archaean Sulfolobus infected by virus STSV1 observed under microscopy. Two spindle-shaped viruses were being released from the host cell. The strain of Sulfolobus and STSV1 were isolated by Xiaoyu Xiang and his colleagues in an acidic hot spring in Yunnan Province, China. At present, STSV1 is the largest archaeal virus that has been isolated and studied. Its genome sequence has been sequenced.
Creator Photo taken by Xiaoyu Xiang
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Source Image:RT8-4.jpg
Source Collection Wikimedia Commons
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