Zarona currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym
- Deramas alixae
- Deramas antynax
- Deramas anyx
- Deramas arshadorum
- Deramas basrii
- Deramas cham
- Deramas bidotata
- Deramas evelynae
- Deramas ikedai
- Deramas jasoda
- Deramas kawazoei
- Deramas livens
- Deramas manobo
- Deramas masae
- Deramas montana
- Deramas nanae
- Deramas nelvis
- Deramas nigriscens
- Deramas nolens
- Deramas osamui
- Deramas philippensis
- Deramas sumikat
- Deramas suwartinae
- Deramas talophi
- Deramas tomokoae
- Deramas toshikoae
- Deramas treadawayi
- Deramas woolletti
- Deramas mindanensis
The center of diversity of this southeast Asian genus occurs in the Philippines. All the species are rare, and several are likely to be threatened by deforestation.
Corbet AS, Pendlebury HM, and Eliot JN. 1992. The butterflies of the Malay Peninsula. Malayan Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur.
Vane-Wright RI, and de Jong R. 2003. The butterflies of Sulawesi: annotated checklist for a critical island fauna. Zoologische Verhandelingen 343: 1-267.
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Page copyright © 2007 Andrew V. Z. Brower
Page: Tree of Life
Deramas currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym.
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. Zarona
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- First online 19 May 2007
- Content changed 09 April 2008
Citing this page:
Tree of Life Web Project. 2008. Deramas currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym. Version 09 April 2008 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Zarona