Andrew V. Z. Brower- Liptena albicans
- Liptena albomacuta
- Liptena alluaudi
- Liptena amabilis
- Liptena augusta
- Liptena bassae
- Liptena batesana
- Liptena bergeri
- Liptena boei
- Liptena bolivari
- Liptena catalina
- Liptena confusa
- Liptena congoana
- Liptena decempunctata
- Liptena decipiens
- Liptena despecta
- Liptena durbania
- Liptena eketi
- Liptena eukrinaria
- Liptena eukrines
- Liptena eukrinoides
- Liptena evanescens
- Liptena fatima
- Liptena ferrymani
- Liptena flavicans
- Liptena fontainei
- Liptena fulvicans
- Liptena griveaudi
- Liptena hapale
- Liptena helena
- Liptena homeyeri
- Liptena ilaro
- Liptena inframacula
- Liptena intermedia
- Liptena lualaba
- Liptena modesta
- Liptena mwagensis
- Liptena nigromarginata
- Liptena occidentalis
- Liptena ochrea
- Liptena opaca
- Liptena o-rubrum
- Liptena ouesso
- Liptena overlaeti
- Liptena pearmani
- Liptena perobscura
- Liptena praestans
- Liptena rochei
- Liptena rubromacula
- Liptena sauberi
- Liptena septistrigata
- Liptena similis
- Liptena simplicia
- Liptena submacula
- Liptena subsuffusa
- Liptena subundularis
- Liptena tiassale
- Liptena titei
- Liptena tricolora
- Liptena turbata
- Liptena undina
- Liptena undularis
- Liptena xanthostola
- Liptena yakadumae
- Liptena kiellandi
- Liptena priscilla
- Liptena seyboui
Ackery PR, Smith CR, and Vane-Wright RI eds. 1995. Carcasson's African butterflies. Canberra: CSIRO.
About This Page
Andrew V. Z. Brower
Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at
Page copyright © 2007 Andrew V. Z. Brower
Page: Tree of Life
Authored by
. Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 09 November 2007
- Content changed 09 November 2007
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2007. Liptena in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 09 November 2007 (under construction).