Loligo reynaudii
Cape Hope squid
Michael Vecchione and Richard E. YoungIntroduction
A loliginid of southern African waters. Maximum mantle length 40 cm, weight more than 1 kg.
- Mantle
- Mantle narrow, elongate.
- Fins
- Fins long, 65% or more of mantle length.
- Arms:
- Arms short (in comparison with L. vulgaris).
- Tentacles
- Tentacles long; clubs expanded.
- Club suckers on the manus (medial series) greatly enlarged.
- Club sucker rings smooth or with 16-20 teeth.
Habitat and biology
This species has been a subject of numerous studies because of the importance of the jig fishery. It spawns primarily during September to December on sand beds in shallow bays along the south coast of South Africa. Size at maturity is highly variable, depending on location and time of year. Males may be mature at 9 cm or immature at 25 cm ML, females mature at 10-18 cm ML. Mature squid arrive on spawning grounds in sexually segregated schools. Individual squid may spawn over a period of weeks or months. No post-spawning mass mortality has been observed.
Inshore/eastward-offshore/westward migrations are correlated with water temperature and wind direction. Offshore distribution reaches depths of 200-300 m.
Other Names for Loligo reynaudii
- Cape Hope squid
- Local species names: Chokker squid
- Vernacular Names: En: Cape Hope squid, Fr: Calmar du Cap, Sp: Calamar del Cabo
About This Page
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Michael Vecchione at
Page copyright © 2010
Page: Tree of Life
Loligo reynaudii
Authored by
. Cape Hope squid.Michael Vecchione and Richard E. Young.
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- First online 02 September 2010
- Content changed 02 September 2010
Citing this page:
Vecchione, Michael and Richard E. Young. 2010. Loligo reynaudii in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Cape Hope squid. Version 02 September 2010 (under construction).