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Metasepia Hoyle, 1885

Katharina M. Mangold (1922-2003) and Richard E. Young
This genus contains the following two species:
Containing group: Sepiidae


These small sepiids look much like other members of the family but they differ in having a reduced cuttlebone.


A sepiid ...


  1. Funnel
    1. Funnel component of locking apparatus with pit-like depression at midpoint of groove.

  2. Mantle
    1. Mantle nearly as broad as long.
    2. Posterior gland and pore absent.

  3. Shell
    1. Cuttlebone 75% of mantle in length; located in anterior part of mantle.
    2. Cuttlebone with rhomboidal shape.

       image info

      Figure. Dorsal, side and ventral views of the cuttlebone of M. tullbergi, 32 mm shell length, Japanese waters. Drawing from Sasaki (1929).


Indo-Malayan subregion of the Indo-West Pacific region (Nesis, 1982/7).


Adam, W. and W. J. Rees. 1966. A review of the cephalopod family Sepiidae. Sci. Rep. John Murray Exped. 11: 1-165.

Khromov, D. N., C. C. Lu, A. Guerra, Zh. Dong and S. v. Boletzky. 1998. A synopsis of Sepiidae outside Australian waters. Smithson. Contr. Zool., 586: 77-156.

Lu, C. C. A synopsis of Sepiidae in Australian waters. 1998. Smithson. Contr. Zool., 586:159-190.

Sasaki, M. 1929. A Monograph of the Dibranchiate Cephalopods of the Japanese and Adjacent Waters. Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, 20(supplement):357 pages.

Title Illustrations
Scientific Name Metasepia tullbergi
Location Japan
Copyright © 1996 Yutaka Natsukari
About This Page

Katharina M. Mangold (1922-2003)

Richard E. Young

Dept of Oceanography
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822

Citing this page:

Mangold (1922-2003), Katharina M. and Young, Richard E. 1996. Metasepia Hoyle, 1885. Version 01 January 1996 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Metasepia/20008/1996.01.01 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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