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Notonykia nesisi Bolstad 2007

K.S.R. Bolstad and Richard E. Young
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Containing group: Notonykia


N. nesisi is the second known species of Notonykia.  It occurs in the southern waters of New Zealand, south of the Subtropical Convergence, and differs from N. africanae primarily in the tentacular club morphology. The largest known specimen is about 100 mm ML and is immature.


  1. Tentacles
    1. Tentacle length 85-115% ML
    2. Carpus with 7-9 suckers
    3. Manus with 6-18 hooks; longest ventral hooks slender, 'J'-shaped in lateral profile
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      Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

      Figure.  Oral view of left tentacle club, N. nesisi. Photograph by K. Bolstad.


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      Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

      Figure.  Ventral view of left tentacle club, N. nesisi. Photograph by K. Bolstad.

  2. Head
    1. Beaks: Descriptions can be found here: Lower beak; upper beak.


Sub-Antarctic, primarily over and south of Chatham Rise, off the coast of New Zealand, 950−0 m, most commonly in the upper 30 m. No confirmed distribution records outside the South Pacific.


Bolstad, K.S. 2007. Systematics and distribution of the New Zealand onychoteuthid fauna (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida), including a new species, Notonykia nesisi sp. nov. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 17:305-335.

Title Illustrations
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Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
View Dorsal
Copyright © K.S.R. Bolstad
About This Page

K.S.R. Bolstad
Auckland University of Technology

Richard E. Young
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA

Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to K.S.R. Bolstad at kbolstad@aut.ac.nz and Richard E. Young at dickphyllisyoung@gmail.com

All Rights Reserved.

Citing this page:

Bolstad, K.S.R. and Richard E. Young. 2010. Notonykia nesisi Bolstad 2007. Version 23 December 2010 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Notonykia_nesisi/108189/2010.12.23 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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