Dmitry Telnov- Anisotria Young, 1984
- Anisotria shooki Young, 1984
- Steropes Steven, 1806
The Steropinae is a little group of midsized beetles. Two recent genera and nine species are known; a single fossil record of Steropes is known from Baltic amber. The general distribution is holarctic, but a single species is known also from the Oriental region. Members of Steropinae are mostly assiciated with arid to semiarid biotopes. The newest species account was published by Telnov (2006). The newest species key was presented by Abdullah (1969).
Frontoclypeal suture well developed to almost atrophied and presented by a transverse impression only. Mandible apices variable. Neck broad, about 1/2 to 1/3 of maximum head width. Three terminal antennomeres strongly elongate in male, significantly longer than previous antennomeres.
Pronotum flattened dorsally, rounded to slightly elongate, anterior rim narrow. Anterior angles not produced. Basal sulcus complete. Dorsal surface densely and evenly pubescent (genus Steropes) or almost without hairs (genus Anisotria). Procoxal cavities open internally and externally.
Elytra flattened dorsally, densely and largely punctured (genus Anisotria) or densely and very finely punctured and covered by dense pubscence (genus Steropes). In males of Steropes elytra are with a large oval inpubescent posthumeral spot. Metacoxae narrowly separated by acute intercoxal projection. Metacoxae nearly contiguous. Hind wings with both radial and anal cells present.
Legs long and with distinct paired tibial spurs.
Abdomen with 5 ventrites. Aedeagus with phallobase and parameres separate. Penis free. Sternite IX v-shaped.
Classification and Species List
Note: all taxa below are listed alphabetically.
- Anisotria Young, 1984 (monotypic genus)
- Anisotria shooki Young, 1984 - USA
- Steropes Steven, 1806
= Blastanus Illiger, 1807 - Steropes caspius Steven, 1806 (= colon Illiger, 1807) - Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, "Caucasus", Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, S & E Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
- Steropes colasi Abdullah, 1966 - N China
- Steropes hercules Telnov, 2007 - Vietnam
- Steropes latifrons Sumakov, 1908 - "Caucasus", NW China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
- Steropes obscurans Pic, 1894 - Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, NW China, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Romania, S Russia, Turkei, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
- Steropes pici Abdullah, 1966 - Bulgaria, former Yugoslavia
- Steropes popei Abdullah, 1966 - Greece
- Steropes vonhayekae Abdullah, 1966 - Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria
Biology and Ecology
The Steropinae are well-connected with open arid to semiarid habitats (including mountains). Only one species is known from rainforest habitats. These beetles are active diurnally and can often be observed on various vegetation or just running on the ground.
Abdullah M. 1969. The Natural classification of the Family Anthicidae with Some Ecological and Ethological Observations (Coleoptera). - Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift 16, No. 4/5: 323-366.
Telnov D. 2006. The First Record of Steropinae from the Oriental region, with the Description of a New Steropes from Vietnam (Coleoptera: Anthicidae). – Journal of the Zoological Society Wallacea 2: 63-66.
Title Illustrations

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Dmitry Telnov
The Entomological Society of Latvia
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Page copyright © 2011 Dmitry Telnov
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- First online 06 January 2011
- Content changed 06 January 2011
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Telnov, Dmitry. 2011. Steropinae. Version 06 January 2011 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,