- Tupaia belangeri
- Tupaia chrysogaster
- Tupaia dorsalis
- Tupaia glis
- Tupaia gracilis
- Tupaia javanica
- Tupaia longipes
- Tupaia minor
- Tupaia moellendorffi
- Tupaia montana
- Tupaia nicobarica
- Tupaia palawanensis
- Tupaia picta
- Tupaia splendidula
- Tupaia tana
- Tupaia miocenica
- Palaeotupaia sivalicus
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Han, K. H., F. H. Sheldon, and R. B. Stuebing. 2000. Interspecific relationships and biogeography of some Bornean tree shrews (Tupaiidae : Tupaia), based on DNA hybridization and morphometric comparisons. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 70:1-14.
Luckett, W. P. (ed.) 1980. Comparative Biology and Evolutionary Relationships of Tree Shrews. Plenum Press, New York.
Luckett, W. P. and L. L. Jacobs. 1980. Proposed fossil tree shrew genus Palaeotupaia. Nature 288:104.
Olson, L. E., E. J. Sargis, and R. D. Martin. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships among treeshrews (Scandentia): a review and critique of the morphological evidence. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 11:49?71.
Olson, L. E., E. J. Sargis, and R. D. Martin. 2005. Intraordinal phylogenetics of treeshrews (Mammalia: Scandentia) based on evidence from the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 35:656-673.
Schmitz, J., M. Ohme, and H. Zischler.2000. The complete mitochondrial genome of Tupaia belangeri and the phylogenetic affiliation of Scandentia to other eutherian orders. Molecular Biology and Evolution 17:1334?1343.
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