
Nematolampas venezuelensis: Description continued

Richard E. Young and Michael Vecchione
  1. Arms
    1. Arm formula: III>II>IV>I.
    2. Arms III much more robust than arms II.
    3. Trabeculate protective membranes present on suckered portions of all arms.
    4. Arm sucker (midportion of arms) rings with 9-12 sharp teeth distally, bluntly pointed teeth proximally.
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      Figure. N. venezuelensis, holotype. Left - Lateral view of arm crown showing the relative thickness of arms II and III. Circular photophores can be seen on the base of arm III. Photograph by R. Young. Right - Large sucker from basal portion of arm IV. Drawing from Arocha (2003).

  2. Tentacles
    1. Tentacular club with suckers on carpus in 4 series, suckers on dactylus and manus small and in 4 series.

  3. Head
    1. Beaks. Lower beak with thick lateral wall ridge.
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      Figure. Side views of upper (left) and lower (right) beaks of N. venezuelensis, paratype, 69.7 mm ML. Drawings from Arocha (2003).

    3. Radula. Radula homodont, marginal plates absent.
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      Figure. Radula (one side) of N. venezuelensis, paratype, 69.7 mm ML. Drawing modified from Arocha (2003).

  4. Fins and tail
    1. Fins sagittate with short tail.

  5. Photophores
    1. Arm II with 9 photophores in proximal third.
    2. Arm III with 19 photophores in proximal two thirds.
    3. Tentacle with 2 photophores.
    4. Head with 4 pairs of photophores: One member at base of arm III, one at anterior and posterior edges of eyelid, one on dorsolateral head at posterior margin.
    5. Eye with 5 photophores in ventral series; middle photophore largest.
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      Figure. N. venezuelensis, holotype. Left - Dorsal view of head, arms and tentacle showing photophore (blue) arrangement. Right - Lateral view of eyeball showing ocular photophores. Drawings modified from Arocha (2003).

    7. Dorsal mantle anterior to fins with 5 pairs of photophores.
    8. Dorsal fin with 3 pairs of photophores.
    9. Dorsal surface near base of tail with large embedded photophore in midline beneath a dorsal window and surrounded by three small photophores at the periphery of the window.
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      Figure. Views near the tail base in N. venezuelensis, holotype. Left - Dorsal view showing the window overlying the embedded photophore. Only the anterior of the three photophores surrounding the window can be clearly seen in the photograph. Right - Ventral view showing the embedded photophore which was apparently cut when the gladius was removed. Photographs by R. Young.

    11. Dorsal tail with a series of five photophores in midline, termining at apex of tail.
    12. Ventral surface of mantle with 6 pairs of photophores near or along lateral margins, one unpaired midline photophore near base of tail (ventral to large dorsal photophore).
    13. Tail with a pair of lateral photophores (in addition to the dorsal series).
    14. Ventral viscera (within mantle cavity) with a pair of anal photophores, 3 abdominal photophores, 2 elongate gill photophores and 3 posteroabdominal photophores.
    15. All visceral photophores, except anal photophores, connected by strips of tissue (see figure).
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      Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

      Figure. Mantle, fins and tail of N. venezuelensis showing arrangement of photophores (blue), holotype. Left - Dorsal view. Middle - Ventral view. Right - Ventral view of visceral photophores within the mantle cavity. Drawings modified from Arocha (2003).

  6. Gladius
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    Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

    Figure. Gladius of N. venezuelensis, holotype. Top - Cross-sections. Middle - Dorsal view. Bottom - Side view. Drawings from Arocha (2003).

  8. Viscera
    1. Male secondary reproductive structures unpaired (i.e. single male genitalia).

  9. Measurements
    Mantle length 58.2 65.0 69.7 87.5
    Sex Immat. male Immat. male Immat. male Immat. male
    Status Paratype Paratype Paratype Holotype
    Respository UMML31.3144 UMML31.3144 UMML31.3143 USNM 817596
    Mantle width index 35.4 37.2 37.3 26.0
    Head length index 23.2 18.9 18.2 16.8
    Head width index 22.9 22.0 18.5 23.7
    Eye diameter index 18.9 20.0 21.5 18.3
    Fin length index 36.4 38.8 33.9 36.3
    Fin width index 96.6 79.7 87.5 74.7
    Arm I, length index 59.3 41.5 41.6 30.3
    Arm II, length index 119.8 80.3 81.8 88+
    Arm III, length index 191.9 111+ 172.9 171.4
    Arm IV, length index 49.7 45.9 42.6 38.9
    Tentacle length index -- -- -- 125.7
    Club length index -- -- -- 22.4
    Gladius length index 96.4 86.2 84.7 74.3
    Gladius width index 11.5 7.7 7.9 4.9
    Rhachis width index 6.2 5.1 4.6 3.9
    UMML - University of Miami Marine Laboratory
    NMNH - United States National Museum of Natural History
    Index - Measurement as a percent of the mantle length


The above description is from Arocha (2003). The number of photophores in the drawing of the arms differs slightly from the number mentioned in the text.


Arocha, F. 2003. A new species of Nematolampas (cephalopoda: Oegopsida) from the Western Central Atlantic with an overview of the family Lycoteuthidae. Bull Mar. Sci., 72: 941-953.

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University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA

National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA

Page: Tree of Life Nematolampas venezuelensis: Description continued Authored by Richard E. Young and Michael Vecchione. The TEXT of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License - Version 3.0. Note that images and other media featured on this page are each governed by their own license, and they may or may not be available for reuse. Click on an image or a media link to access the media data window, which provides the relevant licensing information. For the general terms and conditions of ToL material reuse and redistribution, please see the Tree of Life Copyright Policies.

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