Figure. Side view of Mg. "type beta", preserved. Photograph by R. Young.
- Arms
- Arms short. Arms II ca. 50% ML; arms III 30% ML.
- Largest arm suckers ....
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Figure. Side view of right arm II suckers of Mg. "type beta". The largest suckers are well out on the arm. The tip of the left arm II points toward the camera immediately below the right arm II and shows how rapidly the suckers size drops near the arm tip. Photograph by R. Young.
- Tentacles
- Base of club appears only slightly attenuated proximally but tentacle strongly abraided.
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Figure. Tentacular club of Mg. "type beta", preserved, blue color from methylene blue stain. Top - Oral view of the base of the club. The club is abraided so boundaries may not be accurate. Bottom - Tracing over the club to aid in visualizing the club-base boundaries. Photograph and drawing by R. Young.
- Base of club appears only slightly attenuated proximally but tentacle strongly abraided.
- Fins
- Fin length nearly equals fin width.
- Fin length nearly equals fin width.
- Tail
- Tail broken off.
- Tail broken off.
- Tubercules
- No tubercules found.
- Pigmentation
- Pigmentation apparently absent except for possibly epithelial pigmentation aroung the eyelids, funnel orifice and arms (see title photograph on first page).
Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new windowFigure. Dorsal and ventral views of Mg. "type beta". Photographs by R. Young.
- Pigmentation apparently absent except for possibly epithelial pigmentation aroung the eyelids, funnel orifice and arms (see title photograph on first page).
- Measurements
Specimen NMNH No. 817315 Measure as % ML Sex Immature female Mantle length 71 without tail 100 Tail length missing Mantle width 20 28 Fin length 49 69 Fin width 53 75 Head width 22 31 Head length 17* 24 Eye diameter 16** 23 Arm I, length, L/R
25 / 23 35/32 Arm II, length 33 / 35 46/49 Arm III, length 20 / 22 28/31 Arm IV, length 61 / - 86 Tentacle length 98
138 Club length 70 99
*Measured laterally from olfactory organ to tentacle.
**Calculated from lens diameter (= 6 mm).