Allancastria deyrollei
Vazrick Nazari and Frédéric CarbonellIntroduction
First given species rank by Larsen (1976), the life history of Allancastria deyrollei has been studied extensively (De Freina, 1979, 1987; Nardelli, 1993; Hesselbarth et al., 1995; Hensle, 1993). No subspecies are recognized; the names A. d. eisneri Bernandi, 1971 (Type locality: Aintab, Turkey) and A. d. lycaoniae Eisner and Wagner, 1974 (Type locality: Aksehir, Konya, Turkey) have been synonymized with nominal A. d. deyrollei (Type locality: Pontus, Trabzon, Turkey) (Hesselbarth et al., 1995). Larsen (1973) compared the structure of genitalia in A. deyrollei with that of A. cerisy, and De Freina (1979) provided further characters distinguishing A. cerisy from A. deyrollei. Carbonell and Karbalaye (1998) mapped the records of A. deyrollei (and a few other Aristolochia-feeder species) in relation to the distribution of Aristolochia in Iran.
Geographical Distribution
Allancastria deyrollei is distributed from western Iran to Turkey, Syria, northwestern Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel (Hesselbarth et al., 1995; Nazari, 2003).
Larval Food Plant
Larvae of Allancastria deyrollei feed on Aristolochia maurorum, A. bottae and A. paecilantha (DeFreina, 1979; Carbonell, 1996; Carbonell and Karbalaye, 1998). A. clematitis has also been recorded as a larval food plant (Nardelli, 1993), although it is far too toxic and kills the larvae that feed on it (Carbonell, personal observation).
Carbonell, F., 1996. Contribution à la connaissance du genre Allancastria Bryk (1934): Morphologie, biologie et écologie d’Allancastria cretica (Rebel, 1904) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Linneana Belgica 15: 303-308.
Carbonell, F., Karbalaye, A., 1998. Contribution à la connaissance des genres Allancastria Bryk, 1934 et Archon Hübner, 1822 en Iran (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Linneana Belgica 16: 245-248.
De Freina, J.J., 1979. Zur kenntnis der Gattung Allancastria unter Berücksichtigung der Arten A. cerisyi und A. deyrollei (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 89: 129-142.
De Freina, J.J., 1987. Bemerkungen zur Biologie, Verbreitung und Systematik kleinasiatischer Papilioniden (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Atalanta (Würzburg) 17: 205-208.
Eisner, C., 1974. Parnassiana Nova XLIX. Die Arten und Unterarten der Baroniidae, Teinopalpidae und Parnassiidae (Erster teil) (Lepidoptera). Zoologische Verhandelingen Uitgegeven door het Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie te Leiden, 135: 1-96.
Hensle, J., 1993. Beobachtungen bei westanatolischen Osterluzeifaltern (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Nachrichten entomologische Vereins Apollo Frankfurt/Main, 14: 289-299.
Hesselbarth, G., van Oorschot, H., Wagener, S., 1995. Die Tagfalter der Türkei. 1. 754 pp. Bocholt, Selbstverlag Sigbert Wagener.
Larsen, T.B., 1973. Two species of Allancastria (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in Lebanon. Entomologist 106: 145-152.
Larsen, T.B., 1976. Comments on two new subspecies of Allancastria cerisyi Godart from Anatolia (Lep. Papilionidae). Ent. Ber. Amst. 36: 58-60.
Nardelli, U., 1993. Bemerkungen zur Zucht einiger Zerynthiini und Parnassiini (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 103: 213-228.
Nazari, V., 2003. Butterflies of Iran. Dayereye-Sabz Publications, Tehran.
Title Illustrations

About This Page
Vazrick Nazari
Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, Ottawa, Canada
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Vazrick Nazari at and Frédéric Carbonell at
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Page: Tree of Life
Allancastria deyrollei
Authored by
. Vazrick Nazari and Frédéric Carbonell.
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- First online 07 July 2006
- Content changed 07 July 2006
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Nazari, Vazrick and Frédéric Carbonell. 2006. Allancastria deyrollei in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 07 July 2006 (under construction).