Allancastria louristana
Vazrick Nazari and Frédéric CarbonellIntroduction
The life history and genitalia of A. louristana (Type locality: Louristan, “Perse”) have been studied by Carbonell (1996a). Blom and Eisner (1979) described A. l. boyrahmadensis (Type locality: Yasuj, Iran) based on differences in a few morphological characters; this name was later synonymized with the nominal population (Carbonell, 1996a; Nazari, 2003). Carbonell and Karbalaye (1998) map the records of A. louristana (and some other Aristolochia-feeding species), in relation to the distribution of Aristolochia in Iran.
Larval Food Plant
Aristolochia olivieri, as well as the recently recorded Aristolochia bottae (from the northen part of the distribution of Allancastria louristana) are known as the larval food plants of this species (Carbonell, 1996a, 1996b).
Blom, W., Eisner, C., 1979. Parnassiana nova LV. Allancastria louristana boyrahmadensis subsp. nov. Zoologische Mededelingen 54: 276-278.
Carbonell, F., Karbalaye, A., 1998. Contribution à la connaissance des genres Allancastria Bryk, 1934 et Archon Hübner, 1822 en Iran (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Linneana Belgica 16: 245-248.
Carbonell, F., 1996a. Contribution à la connaissance du genre Allancastria Bryk (1934): Morphologie, biologie et écologie d’Allancastria louristana (Le Cerf, 1908) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Linneana Belgica 15: 231-236.
Carbonell, F., 1996b. Contribution à la connaissance du genre Allancastria Bryk (1934): Morphologie, biologie et écologie d’Allancastria cretica (Rebel, 1904) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Linneana Belgica 15: 303-308.
Le Cerf, F., 1908. Description d’une variété nouvelle de Thais cerisyi God. (Lép.). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 1908: 21-22.
Nazari, V., 2003. Butterflies of Iran. Dayereye-Sabz Publications, Tehran.
Title Illustrations

About This Page
Vazrick Nazari
Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, Ottawa, Canada
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Vazrick Nazari at and Frédéric Carbonell at
Page copyright © 2006 Vazrick Nazari and
Page: Tree of Life
Allancastria louristana
Authored by
. Vazrick Nazari and Frédéric Carbonell.
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- First online 07 July 2006
- Content changed 07 July 2006
Citing this page:
Nazari, Vazrick and Frédéric Carbonell. 2006. Allancastria louristana in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 07 July 2006 (under construction).