Fossil Caprinae
- Benicerus
- Boopsis
- Bootherium
- Capraoryx
- Caprotragoides
- Criotherium
- Damalavus
- Euceratherium
- Gallogoral
- Myotragus
- Oioceros
- Lyrocerus
- Makapania
- Megalovis
- Mesembriacerus
- Neotragocerus
- Nesogoral
- Norbertia
- Numidocapra
- Olonbulukia
- Pachygazella
- Pachytragus
- Palaeoreas
- Palaeoryx
- Paraprotoryx
- Parapseudotragus
- Parurmiatherium
- Praeovibos
- Preptoceras
- Procamptoceras
- Prosinotragus
- Protoryx
- Pseudotragus
- Samotragus
- Sinocapra
- Sinopalaeoceros
- Sinotragus
- Sivacapra
- Soergelia
- Sporadotragus
- Symbos
- Tethytragus
- Tossunnoria
- Tsaidamotherium
- Turcocerus
- Urmiatherium
Lalueza-Fox, C., J. Castresana, L. Sampietro, T. Marques-Bonet, J. A. Alcover, and J. Bertranpetit. 2005. Molecular dating of caprines using ancient DNA sequences of Myotragus balearicus, an extinct endemic Balearic mammal. BMC Evolutionary Biology 5: Art. No. 70.
McKenna, M. C. and S. K. Bell. 1997. Classification of Mammals Above the Species Level. Columbia University Press, New York.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Preptoceras |
Location | McKittrick, Kern County, California, USA |
Reference | Stock, C. and E. L. Furlong. 1927. Skull and skeletal remains of a ruminant of the Preptoceras-Euceratherium group from the McKittrick Pleistocene, California. University of California Publications. Bulletin of the Department of Geology 16(10):409-434. |
Specimen Condition | Fossil |
Body Part | skull |
View | lateral |
Scientific Name | Preptoceras sinclairi |
Location | Samwell Cave, Shasta County, California, USA |
Comments | Temporary mount of the type specimen. |
Reference | Furlong, E. L. 1904-1906. Preptoceras, a new ungulate from the Samwel Cave, California. University of California Publications. Bulletin of the Department of Geology 4(8):163-169. |
Specimen Condition | Fossil |
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- First online 23 February 2006
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2006. Fossil Caprinae. Version 23 February 2006 (temporary). in The Tree of Life Web Project,