
Gonatus oregonensis: Description continued

F. G. Hochberg and Richard E. Young
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Figure. Dorsolateral view of Gonatus oregonensis, holotype, 39 mm ML. Photograph by R. Young.

  1. Arms
    1. Arm formula generally III=>II>IV=>I.
    2. Armature in four series: arms I-III with 2 medial series of hooks (replaced by suckers at arm tips (holotype)) and 2 marginal series of suckers; arm IV with suckers only.
    3. Marginal suckers of arms I-III with about 8 closely set, elongate, blunt teeth.
    4. Marginal suckers of arms III largest followed by suckers of medial series of arms IV largest, followed by marginal suckers of arms IV (holotype).

  2. Tentacles
    1. Primary locking-apparatus with 4-5 ridges, each with medial sucker and 5-6 alternating knobs.
    2. Dactylus suckers with 4-6 long, slender, peglike teeth on distal margin of inner ring.
    3. Dorsal margin of tentacular stalk with at least 63 suckers in single series (46 mm ML).
    4. Ventral margin of tentacular stalk with at least 74 suckers in single series (46 mm ML).

  3. Head
    1. Beaks.
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      Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

      Figure. Side view of the beaks of G. oregonensis, 35 mm ML. Left - Lower beak. Right - Upper beak. Drawing from Jefferts (1985).

    2. Radula
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      Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

      Figure. Radula of G. oregonensis, 35 mm ML. Drawing from Jefferts (1985).

  4. Measurements and counts
    Type no.  816327  040162
    687   057608
    Mantle length  46  39  35  31 
    Mantle width  16  12  10  13 
    Fin length  22  17  12  10 
    Fin width  41  32  28  25 
    Head width  10  11  11 
    Eye diameter  7.5  8.5 
    Arm I, length  27  22  16  15 
    Arm II, length
    28  25  19  18 
    Arm III, length
    29  24  19  17 
    Arm IV, length
    28  18  17  14 
    Tentacle length  44  27  28  25 
    Club length  12 
    Arm hooks 
    Central club hook 
    Distal club hook 
    Proximal club hooks 
    Club sucker no.  320  347  339  355 
    Half arm I counts  20/14  17/5 
    Half arm II counts
    22/15  19/9 
    Half arm III counts
    19/15  17/9 
    Half arm IV counts
    47  35 
About This Page

F. G. Hochberg
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, California, USA

Richard E. Young
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA

Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to F. G. Hochberg at and Richard E. Young at

All Rights Reserved.

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