Scops Owls
- Otus angelinae (Javan Scops Owl)
- Otus mentawi (Mentawai Scops Owl)
- Otus bakkamoena (Indian Scops Owl)
- Otus lettia (Collared Scops Owl)
- Otus semitorques (Japanese Scops Owl)
- Otus lempiji (Sunda Scops Owl)
- Otus fuliginosus (Palawan Scops Owl)
- Otus megalotis (Philippine Scops Owl)
- Otus silvicola (Wallace's Scops Owl)
- Otus mirus (Mindanao Scops Owl)
- Otus longicornis (Luzon Scops Owl)
- Otus mindorensis (Mindoro Scops Owl)
- Otus brucei (Pallid Scops Owl)
- Otus senegalensis (African Scops Owl)
- Otus scops (Eurasian Scops Owl)
- Otus sunia (Oriental Scops Owl)
- Otus magicus (Moluccan Scops Owl)
- Otus sulaensis (Sula Scops Owl )
- Otus siaoensis (Siau Scops Owl)
- Otus mantananensis (Mantanani Scops Owl)
- Otus elegans (Ryukyu Scops Owl)
- Otus manadensis (Sulawesi Scops Owl)
- Otus collari (Sangihe Scops Owl)
- Otus beccarii (Biak Scops Owl)
- Otus insularis (Seychelles Scops Owl)
- Otus umbra (Simeulue Scops Owl)
- Otus alius (Nicobar Scops Owl)
- Otus pembaensis (Pemba Scops Owl)
- Otus pauliani (Karthala Scops Owl)
- Otus capnodes (Anjouan Scops Owl)
- Otus moheliensis (Moheli Scops Owl)
- Otus mayottensis (Mayotte Scops Owl)
- Otus madagascariensis (Torotoroka Scops Owl)
- Otus rutilus (Rainforest Scops Owl)
- Otus hartlaubi (Sao Tome Scops Owl)
- Otus sagittatus (White-fronted Scops Owl)
- Otus rufescens (Reddish Scops Owl)
- Otus thilohoffmanni (Serendib Scops Owl)
- Otus icterorhynchus (Sandy Scops Owl)
- Otus ireneae (Sokoke Scops Owl)
- Otus balli (Andaman Scops Owl)
- Otus alfredi (Flores Scops Owl)
- Otus spilocephalus (Mountain Scops Owl)
- Otus brookii (Rajah Scops Owl)
Fuchs, J., J.-M. Pons, S. M. Goodmanl, V. Bretagnolle, M. Melo, R. C. K. Bowie, D. Currie, R. Safford, M. Z. Virani, S. Thomsett, A. Hija, C. Cruaud, and E. Pasquet. 2008. Tracing the colonization history of the Indian Ocean scops-owls (Strigiformes: Otus) with further insight into the spatio-temporal origin of the Malagasy avifauna. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8:197 doi:10.1186/1471-2148-8-197.
König, C., Weick, F., and Becking, J-H. 1999. Owls: a guide to the owls of the world. Yale University Press.
Rasmussen, P.C. and Anderton, J.C. 2005. Birds of South Asia: the Ripley Guide. Barcelona, Spain: Lynx Edicions.
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- First online 04 June 2007
- Content changed 30 August 2008
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2008. Otus. Scops Owls. Version 30 August 2008 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Otus/100854/2008.08.30 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/