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Lycaena Fabricius 1807

Heodes Dalman 1816 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Chysoptera Zincken 1817 junior objective synonym of Heodes Dalman 1816, Chrysophanus Hübner 1818 ICZN rejected name #1235, Lycia Sodovskii 1837 invalid junior homonym of Lycia Hübner 1825, and also objective unior synonym of Lycaena, Migonitis Sodovskii 1837 invalid junior homonym of Migonitis Rafinesque 1815, and also objective unior synonym of Lycaena, Tharsalea Scudder 1876 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Chalceria Scudder 1876 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Epidemia Scudder 1876, Gaiedes Scudder 1876 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Loweia Tutt 1906 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Rumicia Tutt 1906 imvalid junior objective synonym of Lycaena, Thersamonia Verity 1919 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Palaeoloweia Verity 1934 objective junior synonym of Loweia Tutt 1906, Palaeochrysophanus Verity 1934 unavailable - published without diagnosis, Thersamolycaena Verity 1957 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Helleia Verity 1943 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Disparia Verity 1943 invalid junior homonym of Disparia Nagano 1916, Palaeochrysophanus Verity 1943 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Rapsidia Sibatani 1974 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Antipodolycaena Smart 1975 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Hyllolycaena L. D. Miller & F. M. Brown 1979 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Hermelycaena L. D. Miller & F. M. Brown 1979 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Boldenaria Zhdanko 1995 currently viewed as a objective junior synonym of Antipodolycaena, the Coppers

Andrew V. Z. Brower
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Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Containing group: Lycaenini


A holarctic genus, with the exception of four species occurring in New Zealand and two in South Africa (orus group). Generic names have been proposed for most of the species groups and also for individual species that do not fit into the species groups, but these are all viewed as synonyms by most modern researchers.

Discussion of Phylogenetic Relationships

Species groups as identified here for the Palearctic species are those of Bozano & Weidenhoffer (2001), while the Nearctic groups are based on various now synonymized genera described by Scudder and others. The group is in need of a phylogenetic analysis.


Bozano, G. C. & Weidenhofer, Z. 2001 Guide to the butterflies of the Palearctic Region. Lycaenidae part I: Subfamily Lycaeninae. Guide to the butterflies of the Palearctic Region. Milan: Omnes Artes.

Lamas, G. 2004. Lycaeninae. pp. 137-138 in Lamas, G. (ed.) Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 4A Hesperioidea - Papiionoidea. Gainesville: Scientific Publishers/Association of Tropical Lepidoptera.

Information on the Internet

Title Illustrations
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Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Scientific Name Lycaena virgaureae ssp. montanus
Location Zinal Süd, Swiss Alps, Switzerland
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Source Dukatenfalter, Lycaena virgaureae ssp. montanus
Source Collection Flickr
ToL Image Use creative commons This media file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License - Version 2.0.
Copyright © 2006 Adriano Spiccia
Scientific Name Lycaena phlaeas
Location Iwate, Japan
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Source Small Copper on Purple
Source Collection Flickr
ToL Image Use creative commons This media file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License - Version 2.0.
Copyright © 2007 Bruce the Moose
About This Page

Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA

Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at

Page: Tree of Life Lycaena Fabricius 1807. Heodes Dalman 1816 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Chysoptera Zincken 1817 junior objective synonym of Heodes Dalman 1816, Chrysophanus Hübner 1818 ICZN rejected name #1235, Lycia Sodovskii 1837 invalid junior homonym of Lycia Hübner 1825, and also objective unior synonym of Lycaena, Migonitis Sodovskii 1837 invalid junior homonym of Migonitis Rafinesque 1815, and also objective unior synonym of Lycaena, Tharsalea Scudder 1876 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Chalceria Scudder 1876 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Epidemia Scudder 1876, Gaiedes Scudder 1876 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Loweia Tutt 1906 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Rumicia Tutt 1906 imvalid junior objective synonym of Lycaena, Thersamonia Verity 1919 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Palaeoloweia Verity 1934 objective junior synonym of Loweia Tutt 1906, Palaeochrysophanus Verity 1934 unavailable - published without diagnosis, Thersamolycaena Verity 1957 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Helleia Verity 1943 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Disparia Verity 1943 invalid junior homonym of Disparia Nagano 1916, Palaeochrysophanus Verity 1943 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Rapsidia Sibatani 1974 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Antipodolycaena Smart 1975 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Hyllolycaena L. D. Miller & F. M. Brown 1979 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Hermelycaena L. D. Miller & F. M. Brown 1979 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Boldenaria Zhdanko 1995 currently viewed as a objective junior synonym of Antipodolycaena, the Coppers. Authored by Andrew V. Z. Brower. The TEXT of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License - Version 3.0. Note that images and other media featured on this page are each governed by their own license, and they may or may not be available for reuse. Click on an image or a media link to access the media data window, which provides the relevant licensing information. For the general terms and conditions of ToL material reuse and redistribution, please see the Tree of Life Copyright Policies.

Citing this page:

Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2008. Lycaena Fabricius 1807. Heodes Dalman 1816 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Chysoptera Zincken 1817 junior objective synonym of Heodes Dalman 1816, Chrysophanus Hübner 1818 ICZN rejected name #1235, Lycia Sodovskii 1837 invalid junior homonym of Lycia Hübner 1825, and also objective unior synonym of Lycaena, Migonitis Sodovskii 1837 invalid junior homonym of Migonitis Rafinesque 1815, and also objective unior synonym of Lycaena, Tharsalea Scudder 1876 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Chalceria Scudder 1876 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Epidemia Scudder 1876, Gaiedes Scudder 1876 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Loweia Tutt 1906 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Rumicia Tutt 1906 imvalid junior objective synonym of Lycaena, Thersamonia Verity 1919 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Palaeoloweia Verity 1934 objective junior synonym of Loweia Tutt 1906, Palaeochrysophanus Verity 1934 unavailable - published without diagnosis, Thersamolycaena Verity 1957 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Helleia Verity 1943 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Disparia Verity 1943 invalid junior homonym of Disparia Nagano 1916, Palaeochrysophanus Verity 1943 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Rapsidia Sibatani 1974 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Antipodolycaena Smart 1975 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Hyllolycaena L. D. Miller & F. M. Brown 1979 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Hermelycaena L. D. Miller & F. M. Brown 1979 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Boldenaria Zhdanko 1995 currently viewed as a objective junior synonym of Antipodolycaena, the Coppers. Version 29 April 2008 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Lycaena/111507/2008.04.29 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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