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Euploea Fabricius 1807

Crastia H?bner 1816 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Trepsichrois H?bner 1816 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Salpinx H?bner 1819 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Calliploea Butler 1875 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Macroploea Butler 1878 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Stictoploea Butler 1878 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Isamia Moore 1880 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Narmada Moore 1880 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Bibisana Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Andasena Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Glinama Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Danisepa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Hirdapa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Karadira Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Menama Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Mahintha Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Nipara Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Pademma Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Patosa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Penoa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Sabanosa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Saphara Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Satanga Moore 1883 currently viewed as a objective junior synonym of Antipodolycaena, Selinda Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Tabada Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Tiruna Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Tronga Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Vadebra Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Adigama Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Gamatoba Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Lontara Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Oranasma Moore 1883, Sarobia Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Betanga Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Chanapa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Chirosa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Deragena Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Mestapra Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Pramesta Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Rasuma Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Tagata Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Nacamsa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Vonona Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Pramasa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym

Andrew V. Z. Brower
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taxon links [down<--]Danaini Interpreting the tree
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This tree diagram shows the relationships between several groups of organisms.

The root of the current tree connects the organisms featured in this tree to their containing group and the rest of the Tree of Life. The basal branching point in the tree represents the ancestor of the other groups in the tree. This ancestor diversified over time into several descendent subgroups, which are represented as internal nodes and terminal taxa to the right.

example of a tree diagram

You can click on the root to travel down the Tree of Life all the way to the root of all Life, and you can click on the names of descendent subgroups to travel up the Tree of Life all the way to individual species.

For more information on ToL tree formatting, please see Interpreting the Tree or Classification. To learn more about phylogenetic trees, please visit our Phylogenetic Biology pages.

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Containing group: Danaini


The genus Euploea ranges from the Comoro Islands in the Indian Ocean to the Fiji Islands, Samoa and Tahiti. Most species are medium-sized brownish butterflies with bands of marginal white spots, while some are strikingly irridescent blue/purple. Many of the larger Australasian islands are home to mimetic assemblages of Euploea spp.. Larval host plants include the families Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae and Moraceae.

Discussion of Phylogenetic Relationships

The tree shown here is based on Ackery and Vane-Wright's (1984) cladistic analysis of morphological characters, with the addition of some geographical species related to E. core elevated to specific status by Vane-Wright (1993). A few of the numerous additional generic names of Moore and others are occasionally used to designate subgenera within Euploea.


Ackery PR, and Vane-Wright RI. 1984. Milkweed butterflies. British Museum (Natural History), London.

Vane-Wright RI. 1993. Milkweed butterflies (Lepidoptera: Danainae) and conservation priorities in the Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. Butterflies, Japan (4): 21?33.

Title Illustrations
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Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Scientific Name Euploea core
Location Stanthorpe, Queensland, Australia
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Source A butterfly day
Source Collection Flickr
ToL Image Use creative commons This media file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License - Version 2.0.
Copyright © 2007 Michael Jefferies
Scientific Name Euploea mulciber barsine
Location Taiwan
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Source IMG_0281a1
Source Collection Flickr
ToL Image Use creative commons This media file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License - Version 2.0.
Copyright © 2007 leemt2
About This Page

Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA

Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at

Page: Tree of Life Euploea Fabricius 1807. Crastia H?bner 1816 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Trepsichrois H?bner 1816 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Salpinx H?bner 1819 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Calliploea Butler 1875 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Macroploea Butler 1878 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Stictoploea Butler 1878 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Isamia Moore 1880 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Narmada Moore 1880 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Bibisana Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Andasena Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Glinama Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Danisepa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Hirdapa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Karadira Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Menama Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Mahintha Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Nipara Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Pademma Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Patosa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Penoa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Sabanosa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Saphara Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Satanga Moore 1883 currently viewed as a objective junior synonym of Antipodolycaena, Selinda Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Tabada Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Tiruna Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Tronga Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Vadebra Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Adigama Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Gamatoba Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Lontara Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Oranasma Moore 1883, Sarobia Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Betanga Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Chanapa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Chirosa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Deragena Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Mestapra Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Pramesta Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Rasuma Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Tagata Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Nacamsa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Vonona Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Pramasa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym. Authored by Andrew V. Z. Brower. The TEXT of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License - Version 3.0. Note that images and other media featured on this page are each governed by their own license, and they may or may not be available for reuse. Click on an image or a media link to access the media data window, which provides the relevant licensing information. For the general terms and conditions of ToL material reuse and redistribution, please see the Tree of Life Copyright Policies.

Citing this page:

Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2008. Euploea Fabricius 1807. Crastia H?bner 1816 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Trepsichrois H?bner 1816 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Salpinx H?bner 1819 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Calliploea Butler 1875 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Macroploea Butler 1878 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Stictoploea Butler 1878 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Isamia Moore 1880 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Narmada Moore 1880 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Bibisana Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Andasena Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Glinama Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Danisepa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Hirdapa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Karadira Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Menama Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Mahintha Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Nipara Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Pademma Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Patosa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Penoa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Sabanosa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Saphara Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Satanga Moore 1883 currently viewed as a objective junior synonym of Antipodolycaena, Selinda Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Tabada Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Tiruna Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Tronga Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Vadebra Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Adigama Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Gamatoba Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Lontara Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Oranasma Moore 1883, Sarobia Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Betanga Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Chanapa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Chirosa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Deragena Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Mestapra Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Pramesta Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Rasuma Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Tagata Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Nacamsa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Vonona Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Pramasa Moore 1883 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym. Version 05 May 2008 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Euploea/70704/2008.05.05 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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