Notholaena rosei
Light-stipe Cloakfern
Carl RothfelsIntroduction
This Mexican endemic has linear to oblanceolate leaf blades (leaves broadest above the middle) and is known from disturbed habitats (roadside and stream banks) from the states of Jalisco and Oaxaca. Reports of this species from Central America are based on specimens of the similar N. montieliae (Yatskievych and Arbeláez, 2008).
Cheilanthes x coruscans is likely a diminutive specimen of this species, although it is morphologically distinct (Mickel and Smith, 2004) and might warrant recognition.
The light-colored leaf stalks and axes are unusual among notholaenids and serve to distinguish this species from other white-farinose species, except for N. montieliae. Notholaena rosei is also unusual among core Notholaena species in its relatively strongly differentiated leaf margins (false indusia) arching over and protecting the sporangia. In this character N. rosei approaches some members of Cheilanthes (as currently defined, including members of both the hemionitids and the myriopterids).
Other Names for Notholaena rosei
- Cheilanthes rosei
- Cheilanthes x coruscans
- Chyrsochosma rosei
- Notholaena lemmonii var. straminea
- Vernacular Names: Light-stipe Cloakfern
Giauque, M. F. A. 1949. Wax glands and prothallia. American Fern Journal 39:33-35.
Mickel, J. T., and A. R. Smith. 2004. The Pteridophytes of Mexico. The New York Botanical Garden Press, New York.
NatureServe. 2008. NatureServe Explorer, Arlington, Virginia.
Rothfels, C. J., M. D. Windham, A. L. Grusz, G. J. Gastony, and K. M. Pryer. 2008. Toward a monophyletic Notholaena (Pteridaceae): Resolving patterns of evolutionary convergence in xeric-adapted ferns Taxon 57:712-724.
Tryon, R. M. 1956. A revision of the American species of Notholaena. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium 179:1-106.
Windham, M. D. 1993a. Notholaena. Pages 143--149 in Flora of North America (Flora of North American Editorial Committee, ed.) Oxford University Press, New York.
Windham, M. D., and G. Yatskievych. 2003. Chromosome studies of cheilanthoid ferns (Pteridaceae: Cheilanthoideae) from the western United States and Mexico. American Journal of Botany 90:1788-1800.
Wollenweber, E. 1984. Exudate flavonoids of Mexican ferns as chemotaxonomic markers. Rev. Latinoamer. Quim. 15:3-11.
Yatskievych, G., and A. L. A. Arbeláez. 2008. A new species and three generic transfers in the fern genus Notholaena (Pteridaceae). Novon 18:120-124.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Notholaena rosei |
Location | Mexico, Oaxaca. N. of San Pedro Juchitengo. |
Acknowledgements | Specimen scanned and reproduced with permission from the University of Utah Herbarium. |
Specimen Condition | Dead Specimen |
Collection | Herbarium specimen |
Collector | Windham et al. 542 |
Image Use |
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Copyright | © 2008 University of Utah Herbarium |
About This Page
Carl Rothfels
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Carl Rothfels at
Page copyright © 2008 Carl Rothfels
Page: Tree of Life
Notholaena rosei
Authored by
. Light-stipe Cloakfern.Carl Rothfels.
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- First online 23 December 2008
- Content changed 23 December 2008
Citing this page:
Rothfels, Carl. 2008. Notholaena rosei in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Light-stipe Cloakfern. Version 23 December 2008 (under construction).