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Owen Lonsdale and Steve Marshall
Containing group: Clusiidae


Procerosoma Lonsdale & Marshall is an uncommon Neotropical genus known from one Mexican female (P. prominens Lonsdale & Marshall) and one male and one female from Brazil (P. alini (Shatalkin)) (Lonsdale & Marshall in press). The translation of the generic name is 'slender-bodied', referring to the relatively long and thin thorax and legs characteristic of the genus.

The male of Procerosoma alini (and possibly the remainder of the genus) is distinct in that the head is wider than the thorax, and there is one pair of elongate genal 'antlers' that terminate in a bright white bulb. Behavioural observations have not been made, but it is assumed that these structures are associated with head-measuring competitions and male agonistic behaviour at lek sites, which has been recorded for a number of other clusiid genera.


Procerosoma is a relatively long, thin taxon defined by an inclinate anterior fronto-orbital bristle, an open cell bm, one pair of stripes on the face and scutum, a relatively small scutellum that is slightly angled dorsally, a reduction of the mid fronto-orbital bristle, and an absence of the ocellar, postvertical, acrostichal, and dorsal preapical tibial bristles (Lonsdale & Marshall in press). Internally, Procerosoma is characterized by a small pregonite and a basiphallus that is heavily setulose laterally.


Procerosoma and Sobarocephala together form the sister group to the small neotropical genus Chaetoclusia. These three genera comprise the subfamily Sobarocephalinae, which was described and revised by Lonsdale & Marshall (in press).


Lonsdale, O & Marshall, S.A. In press, a. Redefinition of the Clusiinae and Clusiodinae, description of the new subfamily Sobarocephalinae, revision of the genus Chaetoclusia and a description of Procerosoma gen. nov. (Diptera: Clusiidae). European Journal of Entomology.

Title Illustrations
Scientific Name Procerosoma alini (Shatalkin)
Location Brazil
Comments Procerosoma alini (Shatalkin) female, with male head inset.
Life Cycle Stage Adult
Copyright © Owen Lonsdale
About This Page

Owen Lonsdale

Insect Systematics Lab
Department of Environmental Biology
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON
N1G 2W1

Steve Marshall

Insect Systematics Lab
Department of Environmental Biology
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON
N1G 2W1

Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Owen Lonsdale at and Steve Marshall at

Citing this page:

Lonsdale, Owen and Marshall, Steve. 2005. Procerosoma. Version 25 August 2005 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Procerosoma/27694/2005.08.25 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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