Engaeus victoriensis
Keith A. CrandallTypes
Lectotype [designated by Riek (1969) lost]. Paralectotypes, Museum of Victoria, Melbourne J3877 (male), J3878 (male, female), J3879 (2 male), J3888 (male), J3892 (male, female), J3895 (male), J3897 (female), J3905 (male).Distribution
The species is found in the foothills to the north-west, west, and south of the Dandenong Ranges, from Panton Hill in the north to Flinders in the south on the Mornington Peninsula. Early reports of this species (Smith & Schuster 1913; Clark 1936) refer to the species being found in what are now suburbs of Melbourne (i.e. Box Hill, Croydon and Ringwood); these populations may be slowly eliminated. The apparent disjunct distribution between populations at Dandenong and the Mornington Peninsula needs to be investigated.Habitat
At Olinda, E. victoriensis can be found in either type 2 or type 3 burrows in grey, clay-dominated soils in wet sclerophyll forest at the foot of the Dandenong Ranges.References
Clark, E. 1936. The freshwater and land crayfishes of Australia. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 10, 5-58.
Horwitz, Pierre. 1990. A Taxonomic Revision of Species in the Freshwater Crayfish Genus Engaeus Erichson (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Invertebr. Taxon., 1990, 4, 427-614.
Riek, E. F. 1969. The Australian freshwater crayfish (Crustacea: Decapoda: Parastacidae). With descriptions of new species. Australian Journal of Zoology 17, 855-918.
Smith, G. W. and W. H. J. Schuster. 1913. The genus Engaeus, or the land crayfishes of Australia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society (London) 1913, 112-127.
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Page constructed by Emily Browne.
Keith A. Crandall
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA
Page copyright © 2001 Keith A. Crandall
Page: Tree of Life
Engaeus victoriensis
Authored by
. Keith A. Crandall.
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Crandall, Keith A. 2001. Engaeus victoriensis http://tolweb.org/Engaeus_victoriensis/7853/2001.01.01 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/
. Version 01 January 2001 (under construction).