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Enoploteuthis octolineata Burgess 1982

Kotaro Tsuchiya
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Containing group: Enoploteuthis


Enoploteuthis octolineata is a poorly known species in the genus. It is only known from the type materials from the central Pacific Ocean. Male specimens are still not known. This species is characterized by having short, narrow tentacles and six longitudinal stripes of integumental photophores.


  1. Tentacle
    1. Tentacle short, narrow.
    2. Carpal cluster elongate.
    3. Two rows of subequal-sized hooks on manus.
    4. Two rows of suckers on dactylus.
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      Figure. Oral view of the tentacular club of E. octolineata. female, 75 mm ML, equatorial Pacific. Drawing from Burgess (1982).

  2. Hectocotylus
    1. Male specimen not known.
  3. Integumental Photophores
    1. Ventral mantle with six longitudinal stripes of integumental organs alternating with clear photophore-less strips.
    2. Ventral head with four longitudinal stripes of integumental organs which are connected in each end forming ring-like patterns.
    3. Ventral side of arm III with a row of organs along almost entire length.
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      Figure. Side view of a portion of the head of E. octolineata, female, 75 mm ML, showing photophores in the region near the eye opening.


Geographical distribution

This species is known only from the central equatorial Pacific (Burgess, 1982).


Burgess, L.A. 1982. Four new species of squid (Oegopsida: Enoploteuthis) from the central Pacific and a description of adult Enoploteuthis reticulata. Fishery Bulletin, 80(4):703-734, 7 figures.

Title Illustrations
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Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Scientific Name Enoploteuthis octolineata
Location Equatorial Pacific at 00?N, 145?W
Reference Burgess, L.A. 1982. Four new species of squid (Oegopsida: Enoploteuthis) from the central Pacific and a description of adult Enoploteuthis reticulata. Fishery Bulletin, 80(4):703-734.
Creator L. Burgess
Sex Female
View Ventral
Size 75 mm ML
Type Paratype
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Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan

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Tsuchiya, Kotaro. 2009. Enoploteuthis octolineata Burgess 1982. Version 23 July 2009 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Enoploteuthis_octolineata/19712/2009.07.23 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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