Treehouse Stories
Story Treehouses
- Bertha the Beluga
- Once upon a time in a frigid land of ice and snow, there lived a pleasant beluga (beluga whales, Delphinapterus Leucas) named Bertha.
- The Story of Mone the Clownfish
- Once upon a time, in the depths of the ocean, there were hundreds of tiny fish eggs lying peacefully inside the protection of a sea anemone with a loving father who looked after them. An impatient little clownfish named Mone was the first larvae to hatch among his brothers and sisters...
- Memoirs of a Pacific Treefrog
- Read about Fred the Hyla regilla, a Pacific Treefrog from the west coast of North America, in this scrapbook that he created to tell you about his life.
- The Daily Newspaper of the Dendroaspis Polylepis (Black Mamba)
- Extra Extra! Read all about it. Read about the black mamba olympics, the dwindling rodent stock in the northern quadrant of Somalia, and browse the real estate classifieds for news of dens and lairs for sale.
Suggestions for Treehouse Building Story Activities
Choose a story to publish:
- Nonfiction and fictional stories, from accounts of neighborhood wildlife to tales of life as a lion
- Stories about your experiences exploring organisms in the field, classroom or lab
- Picture books
- News stories and interviews
Visit Treehouse Building Steps for guidance on how to build your treehouse.
Multimedia Stories and Journals

Create a digital picture book using digital images, text, sound and movies. Your book could be based on:
- Research about a local species that's threatened or endangered.
- An experiment you have done, or an organism you study.
A Day in the Life of...
Document a day in the life of your favorite living thing. Write the story as if you are the dog, spider, whale or cactus you are writing about. In order to have accurate accounts of what you may do as your favorite organism, see Guidelines for a Basic Treehouse Project for some tips on how to combine your own observations and ideas with facts from books and other expert sources. Visit ToL pages about the organism that you are writing about, to find out facts and get links to other information sources.